surfingdino 3 months ago

If you want to create a micro nation, start with a big nation and mismanage it.

briantakita 3 months ago

No mention of Bimini Road. Nor Edgar Cayce's predictions. Nor the selling of futures when Atlantis arose.

Nor the sonar detected "nartual rock" pyramids under the ocean. This happened more recently but I digress...

  • torlok 3 months ago

    Don't understand this comment. Did Leicester believe the Atlantis nonsense? Why bring this up? I would imagine, if he lived in Bimini, he would've seen enough beachrock to know better.

    • briantakita 3 months ago

      > Did Leicester believe the Atlantis nonsense? Why bring this up?

      Cayce's predictions of Atlantis emerging were primary motivations for Leicester to live in that area. He created the micronation New Atlantis. The Smithsonian could have gone deeper with their journalism because there is more to the story than a "conservation project".

      > I would imagine, if he lived in Bimini, he would've seen enough beachrock to know better.

      Bimini Wall was discovered by Dr. J Manson Valentine, Jacques Mayol, Harold Climo and Robert Angove under 10 feet of water off the coast of Bimini in 1968. Four years after Hemingway founded New Atlantis.

      > Given that so much is passed down within the Hemingway family – immense physicality, depression, storytelling talents – it's no surprise that Les and Hilary's connections to the paranormal can be traced back to Grace Hall Hemingway, Ernest and Les' mother. "Gracie" had regular conversations with the famous early-20th-century spiritualist Edgar Cayce. Digitized archives of his correspondence confirm that the two communicated. Gracie was hoping the spirit world could help her cure Clarence of physical and financial ailments.

      > One of his [Cayce] predictions was that the Lost City of Atlantis would be found in the Caribbean, and he also foresaw that the Bimini islands were mountaintops.

      I heard somewhere that he sold futures to the Atlantis land that Cayce predicted would emerge in the Caribbean. But I can't find anything to verify that claim. I misread the article I posted above, thinking it did verify that claim. But it didn't.

      I heard these claims among others in this episode of the "Dark Jounalist".

      Presumably he has sources for his claims. I didn't find the sources for some of the more interesting claims with a casual web search.

beaeglebeachedd 3 months ago


  • worik 3 months ago


    • doctor_eval 3 months ago

      > Reminds me of Republic of Minerva, which was quickly attacked by Tongan savages at the behest of western powers.

      100% agree that this is racist, even a cursory understanding of what happened makes it obvious that official Tongan troops backed by regional pacific nations were involved.

      The whole thing was an artificial island created by an American anarcho-capitalist, making the claim that “western powers” were involved even more ridiculous, considering the protagonist. Wikipedia describes what happened (edited excerpt):

      > The Republic of Minerva was a micronation consisting of [snip] the reclaimed land of an artificial island in 1972. The architect was Las Vegas real estate millionaire and political activist Michael Oliver [snip] they anticipated a libertarian society with "no taxation, welfare, subsidies, or any form of economic interventionism."

      > When asked about the Minervan's project, the King of Tonga, Taufaʻahau Tupou IV, denied rumors that Tonga meant to claim sovereignty over it, yet said "it was in the best interest of Tonga not to allow a group of people, whose objects were to make money and whose activities could be harmful, to become established on the reefs." Neighboring countries agreed; Fiji’s Prime Minister, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, claimed the actions of the Minervans set a dangerous precedent: "If these people can claim Minerva, what would stop them from doing it here?"

      > Consequently, a conference of the neighboring states (Australia, New Zealand, Tonga, Fiji, Nauru, Samoa, and territory of Cook Islands) met on 24 February 1972 at which Tonga made a claim over the Minerva Reefs, and the rest of the states recognized its claim.

      > A Tongan expedition was sent to enforce the claim, arriving on 18 June 1972.

      There is no sense in any of this that anyone attacking these idiots were savages, and any statement claiming that they were is quite simply racist.

      As an aside, I have been to most of these places, they are all gorgeous.